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Time Master
High Impact Self-Learning & Training Kit

Pick your choice. To be the master or slave of time?

Living a balanced life is one of the challenges facing managers and executives. Juggling priorities among work, family, social, and other life-dimensions is never an easy task. This self-learning programme introduces you to the simple yet effective practices of managing time smartly. You will learn the techniques to master your time effectively, and start regaining control of your life, and achieving a more fulfilling and balanced life.

The self-learning package includes four sessions: "Time and Life", "Doing the Right Things", "Achieving More with Less", and "Mastering Time in Workplace", a total of more than 90 colorful slides, plus a companion "Time Master Toolkit".

To have a glance at the Time Master package, you can view our online demo.

PDF and editable Powerpoint versions available for personal or in-house trainers' use. Please see order form for details.

You may also read the interview of our course instructor, Mr. Dicky Chou, by Capital Femme on time management.